

Recently, I’ve been watching movies on Hulu in the morning without English subtitles.

Of course there are a lot of words I don’t know.

It’s hard to understand because speaking is fast.

I often understood the meaning in nonverbal things such as gestures.

Why do I watch it without English subtitles?

It’s to make an English brain.

I watched a movie called Whiplash today.

(The Japanese title is  session.

The original title is Whiplash.)

Incidently,the second time I watched it.

Because  dealed with drums as a subject,

drummers should be able to see it with more interest.

Of course, even people who don’t play drums can enjoy it.

We don’t surely feel refreshed, but that point is also good.

I feel like this movie clearly represents the real world without an answer.


  1. 突然のひらめき Epiphany

  2. 千鳥

  3. FP3級勉強開始

  4. 休日

  5. にんじんを背負いながら町中を駆け巡るウサギ

  6. 守破離