Mssenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines

When I was passing by the Daikaidori  Hyogo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture by bicycle,

I saw a building for a moment.

At that moment, strangely

The regular list of exhaust ports in each room (I don’t know well) looked like a “face”

(It’s easy to understand if you zoom in on the picture).

This is! I thought so, so I took a picture in a hurry.

In this drawing,the “face” group is expressed in the sense of “children”.





Children who don’t have knowledge or judgment………




Anyway, I want them to grow up happily.


  1. 5月28日(金)

  2. S字オアシス

  3. 2022.4.11(Mon)5本指のクリスマスブーツ

  4. DJセット買いました

  5. 毎日1枚誰かに表彰状を渡しつける人

  6. コロナ